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I don’t normally dig dance and I was dragged to this by my wife insisting it would be good for our son (who declined more forcefully than me so didn’t come anyway). By the end I had to be dragged from the theatre because I was so enraptured.
Review-Noises Off-Hong Kong Rep5-11-12
Michael Frayn’s Noises Off, a classic British farce based on the concept of “a play within a play”, is not your average slapstick comedy where clothes keep coming off, doors keep slamming and sardines keep disappearing. To fellow thespians, this play is an inside joke, an exaggerated – yet not-far-off – depiction of the chaos and calamity behind a running theatre production. To everyone else, it is a refreshing backstage perspective and a study of how real-life drama could affect on-stage performances.
Review-Ballet Soiree-Hong Kong Ballet3-11-12
This was a salon style production. This means it's several shorter pieces tied together into a night of entertainment. I personally prefer salons to full ballets as it gives a little something for everyone and allows the company to show different styles of dance in one evening.
Review-Neither/Delusions II-NVAF2-11-12
What’s the sense in writing a review of something which sets out to defy one’s sense of what makes sense?
Shows We'll Be Reviewing in November31-10-12
Phew! October sure was exhausting... Some of our staff were seeing two productions a day! Not that we're complaining, we love seeing as many shows as we can get our eyes and ears on. November just seems to be a very relaxing month compared to the beast that was October.
Review-What a Handful-ACT29-10-12
‘What A Handful!’ (surtitled ‘If you can bring it, you can sing it’) just about scraped under the bar of what HKELD will review because, alongside the singing, there was a caparison of cabaret – some parody songs, fancy costuming, a semi-striptease and spurts of stand-up from the Compere.
Review-Two Dogs-NVAF28-10-12
Editor's Note: Two Dogs by the New Vision Arts Festival is one of the most visionary and controversial pieces they brought in this year. We really wanted to cover it, but in order to give it full compass coverage we sent in a Mandarin speaking reviewer and an English speaking reviewer to the show. Many expats avoid going to Chinese theatre productions for fear they can't understand it. It is our hope to help the English speaking audience discover new and interesting pieces in the Chinese theatre scene.
Review-Death by Chocolate-Voxfire Gallery27-10-12
When I found out about Death by Chocolate I was intrigued by the show description. "A sensorial feast for the dead, don’t forget to wear all black or funeral attire." A show in Hong Kong with free flow champagne, candy and a dress code? Sign me up! Although I'm not the biggest fan of performance art in general I was excited about seeing this show because I love candy and Theatre of the Absurd.
Review-Burlesque Night-Vixens Burlesque26-10-12
Walking through Lan Kwai Fong, I arrived at my destination Varga Lounge and I remembered this was a place well known for its delicious array of cocktails. Through a small crowd of Thursday night post-work-loungers I made my way upstairs, a section of the bar I had never been to. There I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by an intimate space comprised of comfortable couches and a delicate ambience of soft lamps and candle light.
Review-Nunsense!-Hong Kong Singers25-10-12
The last time I saw Nunsense! must have been more than twenty years ago. I remember enjoying it and am kind of surprised that it is not performed in Hong Kong more often (though there was a Cantonese version of it in 2010 and 2011 by Theatrespace). Given that it requires token staging, almost zero costume change and a tiny cast of five, it is ideal for an amateur theatre group like The Hong Kong Singers.
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