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Review- Food of Love/Yum Cha Conversations- Polly Snaith10-9-12
As the lift doors to the Pao Galleries opened, a smiling woman rushed to greet me. “Hello!” She hastily wiped her clay-streaked hands, and then shook my hand. She had been sitting at a table in the lobby making clay “dim sum’, and I was her first visitor. “The main area is in the back. Why don’t you follow me?” Had the ‘performance’ already started...
Review- Stripteaser- CCDC7-9-12
City Contemporary Dance Company's Stripteaser is a brave effort. It is a blending of two different mediums (fashion and dance) into a night of entertainment. The show is broken down into 4 parts with each part being created by a different team of designers/ choreographers. New talent is always something to encourage in the arts. So I give serious credit to CCDC for giving these budding artists a chance to show their stuff. It would be unfair of me to group them all together as each piece is so incredibly different. So I will break down each one individually...
Review- Detention- Tang Shu Wing Studio6-9-12
Last night I was invited to the opening night of Detention, a physical theatre piece produced by the talented company at Tang Shu Wing Studio Theatre. Recently back from a run at the Edinburgh Festival the show has a simple four night run at the Shouson Theatre before the cast run off for a tour in Mainland China. My expectations were set high by the reputation of Mr. Wing and the fabulous reviews it had received at Edinburgh. It received a very high ranking of 55 out of over 2,000 shows that were presented this year at the Edinburgh Festival...
Shows We'll Be Reviewing in September29-8-12
One of the best things about being an online magazine is that we can review the shows that are performing in Hong Kong in REAL TIME while the show is still playing. This is beneficial to both performers and audience. Performers can boost tickets sales by getting good press while the audience (and potential audience) get to see an expert opinion. ..
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