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Shows We're Reviewing in February31-1-13
January was a slow month for us, review-wise. We used that time to dedicate ourselves to some general up keep on the site. Hope you're enjoying all the new features! We're now itching to get back in the theatre and see all the fabulous things Hong Kong artists are creating.
Review-The City That Never Sleeps-Perilous Mouths15-1-13
I am a big champion of new work being performed in Hong Kong. I think audiences and artists should take on the challenge.
Review-The Dancer of Ultimate Bliss-4D Dynamics Dance Theatre30-12-12
Another free show being done in Hong Kong at the JCCAC. Hooray for free showcases! The Dancer of Ultimate Bliss felt more like performance art than an actual dance performance. I think a lot of this had to do with the casual feeling of the venue. The show was a blending of human statues, music, provocative posing and the transformation of the environment in order to have an effect on the audience member. I'm not the biggest fan of performance art, in general. It always feels forced, but that's just a personal opinion.
Review-House of Dancing Water-Dragone24-12-12
HKELD would like to first thank The House of Dancing Water cast and staff for inviting us tonight to see the show!
Review- What I Dance With When I Do The Environmental Dance- Environmental Dance Theatre22-12-12
Email received at 3:30pm on Thursday. "Dear Editor, We're doing a show tonight at the Cattleyards called What I Dance With When I Do the Environmental Dance. It's free and we would really like you to come out and write about it. You can even hate on it. We just want people to come out and see what we do." Challenge accepted.
Review-ONE-All Theatre Arts Association16-12-12
Tonight I got really lost trying to find the venue for this show. It's so remote that even google maps couldn't find the address! Maggie Blue and the team from All Theatre Arts Association were really keen on having me at this show. I have enjoyed Miss Blue's work before so I was excited to hear her sing again. The venue, Beating Hearts in Shek Tong Tsui, is a bit of a beast to find. Thank god for the half naked guy holding the heart balloons in front of the place or I might have gone home.
Review- Hane G- HKPFF14-12-12
Now, before I get started on this review... I know the expat community doesn't like travelling out of the safety zone of the Island when it comes to their artistic endeavors. Even coming to TST for the Cultural Center can be a stretch for some audience members.
Review-Narnia-Face Productions10-12-12
It's a difficult task when you're asked to come and review a Children's Theatre production with child performers in it. One, you don't want to come across as the Alfred Molina: Children's Theatre Critic of Hong Kong. Two, you actually want to write an article that is an accurate portrayal of your show experience. I asked the performers of Narnia how long they had been rehearsing and I was shocked to hear only 6 weeks. This show was a serious undertaking for even a seasoned adult performer. It was nearly 2 hours long, full of heavy text, had dancing, singing, major scene changes and some dramatic costumes. I give all the kids major props for being off book in 6 weeks for that itself is a serious accomplishment with a show that was this difficult.
Review-The Christmas Extravaganza-Vixens Burlesque7-12-12
If you haven’t been to “Bisous” in the LKF Tower, well done for not being corrupted by all that the LKF scene has to offer. But it is now the Christmas season and on this occasion, I dare you to take a walk on the wild side, embrace your naughty side out and go see The Vixens’ Christmas Extravaganza.
Review-The Ends of the Earth-Wagging Tails Ensemble5-12-12
Just a quick note before my review. The play is at Underground Theatre at the Fringe. If the entrance by the bar is taken over by another feature, you can enter via the art gallery further down Lower Albert Road. I know I was not the only one who got confused as to where the entrance was and I do not wish anyone else to get lost.
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